Much for which I’m thankful

For the past six or seven years, our Thanksgiving tradition has been to take a picnic and head for the Ocala National Forest. Whether it’s Wildcat Lake or another forest site, we’ve enjoyed a lot of good food together on Thanksgiving Day.

This year, we’ll be eating at home, and we won’t be kayaking or hiking before or after our dinner. Instead, we will be very intentionally thankful for the fact that we can celebrate together.

Three weeks ago, I had a temper tantrum. I put my foot down and insisted that Steve go see his doctor. This approach was effective where others were not, because he finally did go to his doctor, who sent him directly to the emergency room. Less than two weeks ago, Steve’s heart was being manipulated by a surgeon who bypassed three blocked coronary arteries. That heart, which has been mine for 40 years, could have stopped at any time, and I’m just happy to share that he’s making a good recovery.

Listen, if your partner is asking you to go to the doctor, or to get help for depression, or to talk about what’s bothering you. . .do it. I am not being dramatic when I say my temper tantrum saved my husband’s life. I’m just saying it shouldn’t take a temper tantrum for one partner to reach another.

Steve and I hope you have much to be thankful for this year, that your table will be covered with all sorts of your favorite foods, that you will be in good health and able to enjoy your exquisite home, wherever it may be.

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