Australian Pines

Let’s start with the good news about the Australian Pine. Casuarina equisetifolia (also Casuarina cunninghamiana and Casuarina glauca) is a beautiful tree that grows up to 150′. The wood splits easily and burns cleanly; the sap is drinkable; and the gum is edible. . .if you are stuck on a deserted island, you probably would find the Australian Pine a good companion for survival. It provides shade and produces a calming rustle when the breeze moves through it. It was introduced to Florida to stabilize canals and ditches.

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A lovely little spring

Our friends, Kathy and Kim, invited us kayaking on the Suwannee River. We stopped for lunch on a sandy bank, and after a bit of exploring found this spring. Spend a minute or two listening to the water flowing…aaah. You’re welcome.