An update here is long overdue, but I’m looking forward to getting back to a regular schedule after January 1. I’ll return to a text post every Monday and a photo post every Wednesday. Thanks for your patience!
2022 has been a hard year for many people, including me. I’ve filled my weeks with lots of fun and have spent so many hours on the Florida Trail in the Ocala National Forest, but I also had COVID, which was a tough recovery; my brother got cancer and while I was still wrapping my head around that, he died (to be honest, I am still in denial about his diagnosis so coping with his death is really hard); my dogs are aging; and Steve’s health is not the best. I am very aware that there is more of my life in the rearview mirror than ahead of me, but my eyes are firmly on the future. In 2023 I intend to pack as much goodness as I can find around any hard thing that may cross my path.
The rest of this month will be full of travel to visit friends and family in a whirlwind. Won’t be spending a lot of time in any one place, but my brother’s death and reuniting with my nephews and my sister has convinced me that it’s really important to make the effort to actually be with the people I love. Actual hugs have greater value to me now than they ever have before, and I’m going to share as many as I can!
January will be spent training under my full pack weight so that when Judy and I step off at Clearwater Lake in February, we will be confident that we won’t turn back until we reach Rodman Dam 67 miles later. We have now hiked every inch of the trail we will follow, and have a solid plan in place. It’s just a matter of packing wisely and building strength for the long days on the trail. When it gets too hot to hike this summer, I’ll start planning some Everglades hikes. I hope to camp a great deal this fall.
And while that’s happening, I’ll be faithful with updates! There may be some news about non-outdoorsy stuff, we’ll see. In the meantime, may you find comfort in the changing of the seasons and peace in the longest night of the year.